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Healthy Study Habits: Nurturing Well-being During Exams

The pressure to perform academically often leads students to neglect their physical and mental health. We explore the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle during exams and offer practical tips to balance study routines with vital aspects of well-being.

Tags: For Parents  For Students  Study Tips 

Study effectively without burnout using the Pomodoro Technique

Master time management with the Pomodoro Technique: Discover how 25-minute focused intervals, followed by short breaks, can skyrocket your productivity and keep burnout at bay. Follow these actionable tips to transform study habits effectively!

Tags: For Parents  For Students  Study Tips 

How to Support and Cultivate Your Child's Homework Habits

Learn to create a positive homework routine for your child with tips on setting up a conducive study space, balancing help with independence, and fostering a healthy homework attitude.

Tags: For Parents  Study Tips 

Word Search Puzzle - Happy

9 words to replace "happy" in your composition. Make your writing more descriptive by using more appropriate and varied words - find them!

Tags: English  For Students  Puzzles 

Crossword Puzzle - Pri 6 Level

8 words from Pri 6 Vocabulary Lists - can you solve them all?

Tags: English  For Students  Puzzles 

Tips to Develop Good Reading Habits

Reading is an extremely beneficial habit to cultivate from young, helping the children build a better English foundation, develop creativity and imagination, strengthen patience and attention span, and more. How do you foster the right conditions to develop this habit in them?

Tags: English  For Parents  For Students  Preschool  Primary  Study Tips 

How To Improve Your Performance On The Actual Exam Day

You've done all the needed preparations, made all the notes, crammed all the formulas. How do you make sure you can deliver on the actual exam day?

Tags: A Level  Exam Tips  For Parents  For Students  JC  N Level  O Level  Primary  PSLE  Secondary  Study Tips 

Tips to Manage Exam Stress

Managing your child's stress during this exam period with some of these tried and tested tips.

Tags: Exam Tips  For Parents  For Students  Study Tips 

Helping your children discover their passion

Passion – a big word that stumbles even us adults. Sometimes, having something passionate about is transformational. How then could we help our children discover this very passion in life for them to nurture and develop?

Tags: For Parents 

Supporting your teen through school

As your child progresses through the school years, the increasing academic demands, social pressures and other obligations like CCAs or other achievements can be quite challenging. How do you help them navigate through these tough yet exhilarating years?

Tags: For Parents  For Students  JC  Secondary