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Are you looking for tuition assignments or music students?

Start Tuition receive more than 100 new tutoring requests from parents every week. Get suitable home tuition jobs:

  • for your preferred levels and subjects
  • within your asking rates
  • at your preferred locations

Primary school assignments, secondary school assignments, English tuition, Maths tuition, Piano lessons etc are all available here.

If you're above 18 years old and a Singapore citizen, Singapore PR, or a valid Student Pass holder,

sign up now to get tuition or music assignments!

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Average hourly rates for different tutor categories for academic tuition jobs (Pri, Sec, JC, IB, Diploma, Degree tuition)
* Final rates depends on your qualifications, years of experience and track record.

Part-Time Tutors
Full-Time Tutors
Current/Ex MOE Teachers
Pre-primary $25 to $35 /hr $40 to $50 /hr $50 to $70 /hr
Pri 1 to Pri 4 $25 to $35 /hr $35 to $45 /hr $50 to $70 /hr
Pri 5 to Pri 6 $30 to $40 /hr $40 to $50 /hr $60 to $80 /hr
Sec 1 to Sec 2 $30 to $45 /hr $45 to $60 /hr $65 to $85 /hr
Sec 3 to Sec 5 $35 to $45 /hr $45 to $65 /hr $65 to $90 /hr
JC, MI $40 to $55 /hr $60 to $85 /hr $90 to $140 /hr
IGCSE, International $30 to $50 /hr $45 to $70 /hr $60 to $100 /hr
IB DP $40 to $55 /hr $60 to $85 /hr $90 to $140 /hr
Diploma, Degree $45 to $65 /hr $60 to $90 /hr $100 to $140 /hr
Adult, Professional $30 to $45 /hr $40 to $70 /hr to discuss

(1) Part-Time Tutors: In Full-Time studies or employment, and giving tuition as a Part-Time job.

(2) Full-Time Tutors: Giving tuition or teaching in private schools as their Full-Time job. Can be Diploma or Degree holders.

(3) MOE School Teachers: Trained MOE school teachers, currently still teaching in school, or recently resigned (ex-MOE).
