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How To Have A More Productive Holiday

School holidays have always been a time welcomed by all students, as they can look forward to days of relaxing, playing and even going overseas. However, without a balanced study-play holiday, they might find themselves rusty & restless when school reopens. This is especially worrisome if students are going to face the major exams the following year, like PSLE, N Levels, O Levels, A Levels and Exams for Tertiary Education.
The ability to fully utilise the school holidays can better prepare students for challenges ahead, without compromising the play time. Here are some ways to better utilise the school holidays.

#1 – Keep to a healthy schedule

If the holiday is all about play and no work, it is as bad as all work and no play. Plan your daily schedule to allow some hours to study and revise what you have learnt for the past year. Avoid sleeping late at night and end up waking up late, disrupting your bio-clock. This is bad for your health, especially your brain cells. Include exercise times for a healthier lifestyle and have regular meals.

#2 – Try out some Enrichment Classes

With some free time on hand, it's worthwhile investing some in classes, especially if the student has some interest in it. Some classes focus on developing character and body. Learning a musical instrument, enhancing computer/programming skills, picking up a sport or learning a new language – these not only take students off their minds on studies, but also prepare them for later stages of life by doing a more rounded character development.

#3 – Volunteer

How about doing something meaningful during the holidays? Be a volunteer and make an impact on the community. There are plenty of volunteer work activities available in Singapore. Start Tuition agency is partnering with charity organizations to reach out to more tutors to help children & youth from disadvantaged backgrounds. For more short-term, adhoc activities, check out giving.sg for more short-term, adhoc activities.

#4 – Read

Dr. Seuss once said, "The more you read, the more things you know. The more you learn, the more places you’ll go." Pop over to a nearby public library to check out the books available. Alternatively, you can download e-books from the NLB website, or online stores. We recommend “The Diary of Anne Frank”, “Harry Potter series”, “The Catcher in the Rye”, “Percy Jackson series”. Find one that suits your taste!

#5 – Actively engage tutors to reinforce foundations

Without the pressures of keeping with school work, this quiet period is perfect for engaging tutors more actively to strengthen their foundations, or to tackle weaknesses discovered during their exams. This is helpful even for those moving on to the next phase of school life, e.g. from Primary 6 to Secondary 1, or going for Post-Secondary Education like Junior Colleges or Polytechnics. Start Tuition has a whole range of tutors to suit the needs of students!

With these tips in mind, you can have a more productive holiday and there will be no regrets on having wasted it!

Related to: For Parents  For Students  Study Tips