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Tips to Do Well in English – Working on Foundations

Tags: English  Exam Tips  For Parents  N Level  O Level  Primary  PSLE  Secondary  Study Tips 

What parents can do to support their child during the exam period

Tuition for parents is currently a rising trend in the tuition industry. Parents are now attending crash courses to get themselves familiar with the school syllabus. But there are also other ways to h

Tags: Exam Tips  For Parents 

Tips For Oral Exams

Do you know the importance of Oral exams? An oral exam could be done in less than half an hour, but it contributes to a significant weightage of the overall score for your language subjects. How do yo

Tags: A Level  English  Exam Tips  For Parents  For Students  JC  N Level  O Level  Primary  PSLE  Study Tips 

Coping With Stress

To ensure that their child succeed in life, parents tend to set high expectations. Without a doubt, stress can be good — in motivating you to do well in your academics. However, putting too much stres

Tags: For Parents  Study Tips 

Which Learner Am I?

Do you know which type of learner are you? Are you a visual learner, an auditory learner, a read/write learner or a kinaesthetic learner? Read to find out more about the 4 types of learning styles, al

Tags: For Parents  General Info  Study Tips 

Choosing The Right Tutor

7 out of 10 students are seeking or having tuition in Singapore. But how many of them have found the right fit?

Tags: For Parents  Study Tips 

Strategies to motivate your child to study

Is your child easily distracted by computer games, television shows, dramas, or social media? I believe that you have tried several ways and means to motivate your child to study. But the methods you

Tags: For Parents  Study Tips 

Chrysanthemum Tea with Wolfberry & Red Dates

Chrysanthemum is a cooling and especially good after having a late night. Wolfberry is high in antioxidants and in TCM, it is good for tired eyes. Red dates is traditionally good for replenishing bloo

Tags: For Parents  For Students  Recipe 

How does a tuition agency work?

There are many kinds of tuition service offered in the market. What exactly is a tuition agency, and how do they help?

Tags: For Parents  For Students  General Info 

Activities for the Holidays

Congratulations for getting through the tough exam period! Take a well-deserved break now. Here are some recommended activities for you to do in this period!

Tags: For Parents  For Students