Tags: English Exam Tips For Parents N Level O Level Primary PSLE Secondary Study Tips
Tuition for parents is currently a rising trend in the tuition industry. Parents are now attending crash courses to get themselves familiar with the school syllabus. But there are also other ways to h
Tags: Exam Tips For Parents
Do you know the importance of Oral exams? An oral exam could be done in less than half an hour, but it contributes to a significant weightage of the overall score for your language subjects. How do yo
Tags: A Level English Exam Tips For Parents For Students JC N Level O Level Primary PSLE Study Tips
To ensure that their child succeed in life, parents tend to set high expectations. Without a doubt, stress can be good — in motivating you to do well in your academics. However, putting too much stres
Tags: For Parents Study Tips
Do you know which type of learner are you? Are you a visual learner, an auditory learner, a read/write learner or a kinaesthetic learner? Read to find out more about the 4 types of learning styles, al
7 out of 10 students are seeking or having tuition in Singapore. But how many of them have found the right fit?
Tags: For Parents Study Tips
Is your child easily distracted by computer games, television shows, dramas, or social media? I believe that you have tried several ways and means to motivate your child to study. But the methods you
Tags: For Parents Study Tips
Chrysanthemum is a cooling and especially good after having a late night. Wolfberry is high in antioxidants and in TCM, it is good for tired eyes. Red dates is traditionally good for replenishing bloo
Tags: For Parents For Students Recipe
There are many kinds of tuition service offered in the market. What exactly is a tuition agency, and how do they help?
Congratulations for getting through the tough exam period! Take a well-deserved break now. Here are some recommended activities for you to do in this period!
Tags: For Parents For Students